
Occasionally we have to put lyrics on our website instead of the projector. When we do that, we’d like to ask you to put your phone on “do not disturb” while we’re singing, so these little rectangles of distraction don’t hinder our worship-time together. Thanks for being with us!

  • Chorus:
    Jesus, You're my firm foundation
    I know I can stand secure
    Jesus, You're my firm foundation
    I put my hope in Your Holy Word
    I put my hope in Your Holy Word

    Verse 1:
    I have a living hope (echo)
    I have a future (echo)
    God has a plan for me (echo)
    Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure

    Verse 2:
    Your Word is faithful (echo)
    Mighty in power (echo)
    God will deliver me (echo)
    Of this I'm sure, of this I'm sure

  • Verse 1:
    Amazing grace, how sweet the sound,
    That saved a wretch like me.
    I once was lost, but now am found,
    Was blind, but now I see.

    Verse 2:
    Twas grace that taught my heart to fear,
    And grace my fears relieved.
    How precious did that grace appear,
    The hour I first believed.

    My chains are gone, I've been set free.
    My God my Savior, has ransomed me.
    And like a flood, His mercy reigns.
    Unending love, amazing grace.

    Verse 3:
    Through many dangers, toils and snares
    I have already come
    His grace has brought me safe thus far
    And grace will lead me home

    Verse 4:
    When we've been there ten thousand years
    Bright shining as the sun
    We've no less days to sing God's praise
    Than when we first begun

  • Verse 1:

    Come thou fount of every blessing,
    tune my heart to sing thy grace

    Streams of mercy never ceasing
    call for songs of loudest praise

    Teach me some melodious sonnet
    sung by flaming tongues above

    Praise the mount I'm fixed upon it,
    mount of thy redeeming love

    Verse 2:

    Here I raise my Ebenezer,
    hither by thy help I come

    And I hope by thy good pleasure
    safely to arrive at home

    Jesus sought me when a stranger
    wandering from the fold of God

    He to rescue me from danger,
    interposed His precious blood

    Verse 3:

    O to grace how great a debtor
    daily I'm constrained to be!

    Let thy goodness like a fetter,
    bind my wandering heart to thee

    Prone to wander Lord I feel it,
    prone to leave the God I love

    Here's my heart, O take and seal it,
    seal it for thy courts above

  • Verse 1:
    Should nothing of our efforts stand
    No legacy survive
    Unless the Lord does raise the house
    In vain its builders strive
    To you who boast tomorrow’s gain
    Tell me what is your life
    A mist that vanishes at dawn
    All glory be to Christ!

    All glory be to Christ our king!
    All glory be to Christ!
    His rule and reign we'll ever sing,
    All glory be to Christ!

    Verse 2:
    His will be done
    His kingdom come
    On earth as is above
    Who is Himself our daily bread
    Praise Him the Lord of love
    Let living water satisfy
    The thirsty without price
    We’ll take a cup of kindness yet
    All glory be to Christ!

    Verse 3:
    When on the day the great I Am
    The faithful and the true
    The Lamb who was for sinners slain
    Is making all things new.
    Behold our God shall live with us
    And be our steadfast light
    And we shall ere his people be
    All glory be to Christ!

    All glory be to Christ our king!
    All glory be to Christ!
    His rule and reign we'll ever sing,
    All glory be to Christ!